The Bermuda Company BGA Wholesale Distributors
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Of Mice and Men or is that Rats.
The following company along with all of her sister company's is involved in such activities.
The BGA Group of Companies
Avoid the following company's at all costs.
The BGA Group of Companies
BDC2000 Group of Companies including
Be aware
Wendall Brown is on the board of Bermuda Container lines.
The following links are news stories related to Government crack down on companies that violate the laws of the Health Department in both the US and Canada. These companies are the cleanest on the planet compared to the filthy working conditions that are all over the Island of Bermuda.
WARNING to all tourist thinking of going to Bermuda for your next vacation, please read this.
The health conditions in Bermuda are disgusting. If you get sick in this country there is a very good possibility you could die. If someone you know die's on this island under what has been classified as an accident, don't believe it. Witch doctors have more medical skill then the doctors in this country. The only physicians with any skill are the ones that were doing recently illegal stem cell research.
For example
Bermuda has the highest instances of Crohns disease, Asthma, COPD, Emphysema and others but the worst is the cover up by the Bermuda Government and Hospital of several cases of Necrotizing fasciitis the Flesh eating Disease. The several out breaks of this disease has never been reported to the public as it was covered up by the Government over the safety of the General Public. While diseases such as Asthma and COPD are not contagious, disease such as Necrotizing fasciitis as well as Mesothelioma are. Mesothelioma is caused by Asbestos poisoning from companies such as BGA and Market place who continue to get away with poisoning their employee's with full impunite from the Bermuda government. What that means if these companies are not only not forces to clean up the poison in the walls of their companies but they are not even inspected. Nothing,,,Nothing is done to protect the employee's and customers of these companies and anybody purchasing anything from sun tan lotion to juice is being exposed to these contaminations. And the Bermuda Government does nothing to protect the tourists or anybody that enters through the front doors of the King Edward Hospital.
Anybody with health insurance would never consider going to the Bermuda King Edward hospital for anything more than a simple hang nail or a bobo that requires a bandaid. Check with any Bermudian, if a medical procedure is required they never ever use the medical services in Bermuda. There have been report cases of fresh eating disease, meningitis and influenza. Bermuda has the highest instance of asthma in the world due to the high levels of mold as well as bug and rat feces.
Most of you are from first world countries where there are government agency's are set up to protect the food chain. If you look at the warehouse facilities in the US, Canada and the UK you will find in most cases that these companies make the effort to at least keep the birds and the rats out. None of the companies own and operated by Wendall Brown make the slightest attempt to follow any code of responsibility. There only purpose in life is to make money. What is very disturbing is that Wendall Brown does not trust the people of Bermuda to run his companies. Yes I know what your saying right now, but this mans companies get the good citizen award every year from the Bermuda Government and your right Wendall Browns companies turn around and use that nice new award to get their "foreigner worker permits" with no interference from the Bermuda immigration department. Of course it also doesn't hurt to have some very influential people in the immigration department in you pocket as demonstrated by Wendall Browns ability to phone up the immigration department, completely bypassing immigration officials and then telling the officers to do what ever he tells them to do. I wonder what he pays for that kind of service?
I know what your thinking now, this man is a leading member of the community how could he possibly be what your saying he is.
Well checkout these articles from the Bermuda Royal gazette, showing that Wendall brown was charged with tax evasion in 2002 as well as influencing government policy on the 60/40 rules. It also traces back to purchasing the influence of the president of the Bank of Butterfield when Calium Johnson was the head of the Bank. During that time Calium Johnson was given a position on the board of a company called CT Famous Ltd. That company at the time was seeking permission from the Bermuda Government to eliminate the 60/40 rules. That companies is owned by Wendall Brown and CT Famous Ltd. was put up as collateral for the purchase of BDC2000 group of companies the owner of the Phoenix stores and BGA Group of Companies . In order to get the support from the Bank of N.T. Butterfield and Son, Wendall Brown made Calium Johnson a board member of CT Famous Ltd.which is a conflict of interest and a violation of any and every corporate law in the US and Canada however those laws don't exist in Bermuda. Mr. Johnson at the time was very well known for his abuse of Bermudian employee's and on a few occasions those adventures were covered up by the Bermuda Police and the Management of the Bank of Butterfield.
60/40 rules on owner ship of Companies in Bermuda.
Ward Young and his involvement with BDC2000 and Wendall Brown.
I'm providing you this information because of the level of corruption I found related to Wendall Brown, his lieutenants and the companies operating in Bermuda. Also the spin off company's from this man and their operating practises and how they could effect anybody thinking of working in Bermuda.
CBC New Canada - Canadian SuperStore closure due to Mice infestation.
You will never hear from the Bermuda health department, sighting BGA or her sister company the Phoenix stores for any violations because they pay a lot of money to make sure the Health department never sets foot on their premises.
Ask anybody that works in the BGA warehouse about the number of times the Bermuda Health department has actually come into the companies building and made an inspection and you will find that nobody can ever remember seeing anybody from this government agency for any reason. Even after people were finding bugs crawling in their breakfast food, all of it supplied by these two companies, the Bermuda Health department said they were investigating but they never went near these companies. To be fair they did phone and tell the management of BGA not to worry they were going to blame the infestations on foreign distributors. Your good health in the hands of such a fine, concerned government body. They really do earn their paycheck, the question is who pays them.
Doesn't that sound a little strange? The Health department never inspecting a food supplier.
Also BGA is member of FMI, the Food Marketing institute, apparently an organization with some very low standards, I'm assuming they took their money and let them join. Don't you love companies that join legitimate organizations to give themselves legitimacy.
Well in the US the Health Department closed down a company that was selling Peanut Butter that was contaminated with Salmonella. That company wasn't closed because it was infested with rodents or bugs or birds but because it started to kill people for salmonella contamination. In Canada the Canadian Health department closed down Maple leaf one of the largest meat processors and distributors in the the country. They closed them down because of an out break of listeria a very common bacteria found everywhere. This form of the bacteria was so resistant to antibiotic that is started to kill people.
Now I mention both of these instances because in both cases the Governments regulate the handling of food, as the old saying goes, from soup to nuts. However let me tell you about BGA. At night after all of the people have gone home the birds fly into the kitchen used by the warehouse workers. They fly in and eat the food that has been left in the garbage cans, they eat the food left on the counters and on the tables and when they leave they leave every parasite and diseases they carry and spread. Does the management of these companies do any about this non-stop contamination, yes they do. Anybody who attempts to fix it or report the problem is immediately fired and replaced. Problem solved. BGA has received may awards for their work to hire and protect the citizens of Bermudian. Actually that's a lie, none of Wendall Browns companies do anything to protect the public and the citizens of Bermuda. They do however focus all of their time making sure that they get their good citizen and C.U.R.E. award every year. Unfortunately that is also a sham. In order for BGA to get these award they only have to take advantage of a group of people who cannot defend themselves the government helps them. On top of that the government no only goes out of their way to encourage the practice they encourage others.
Here is whats wrong with the Bermuda corporate good citizen award. First the government only looks at hiring information (not firing information) provided and not verified by the companies owned by Wendall Brown. Did I mention that Wendall Browns family is from Saint Kitts and that he has no like or loyalty to Bermuda other then the fact his has made a lot of money off the stupidity of the Bermuda Government. In fact Mr. Brown was only a minor owner of companies on the island until the Black Government took over and in the process all of his family and friends get their pay offs while Wendall Brown continued to grow his empire. Actually I'm making it sound like Wendall Brown is the only one running his companies, to be fair Wendall Brown really doesn't do anything, he's a figure head, the front man for other lets say less than moral live forms that are just as much a parasite as the ones living in the warehouses. I guess that could explain why they wont clean up the warehouse, you don't kill your own family tree. Sorry not relevant to the discussion.
I'll give you a quick example because I have seen this myself. If you purchase a juice box from your local super market, it probably came from BGA. That juice box has a couple of possible things wrong with it that unless your sterilizing every juice box you buy your probably not aware that your being food poisoned. When the box leaves the BGA warehouse the case is always covered in bird shit. And on a regular bases BGA is killing RATS after they have noticed that the RATS have chewed their way into cases of the juice boxes. If there is any damage they just pull out the damaged ones and sell the rest. How many diseases do you suppose a RAT can spreads around a warehouse. You can see all of this every day on the BGA loading dock or at your local stores loading dock.

The first picture shows a corner of the BGA warehouse, in the left picture you can see a PIPE approximately 6 inches in diameter, this is one of the entry points for the Rats in the warehouse. The second picture shows a large vented area this is also an entry point for the rats and only a few feet down from the pipe. The third picture on the far right is of a vent on the back side of the building where the rats will climb the wall and come in through the broken vent. All of these location are just behind the back wall of the Marketing room in the warehouse. No attempt has ever been made to fix and or plug these holes. This also the place where BGA Management has decided to store Wise chips and Cadbury Chocolate, less than ten feet away from rat poison on the floor and sticky traps set out to caught the vermin eating.
Every person who has ever worked at BGA knows there are rats in the warehouse, and those same people have all heard the stories of the warehouse Manager killing the rats and taking them out to the garbage, some the size of a large fat cat. There have been stories of whole families of rats with baby's killed found in the marketing room are all true. The question that keeps coming to my mind is why doesn't the health department of Bermuda shut this place down. Just from the health stand point of the employee's it has to be a violation, but to continue to let this place service the public is a disgrace. Would the public buy food from this company if they knew that less then 20 feet away is a dead rats sitting in the garbage. I don’t think anybody would want to buy a bar of chocolate knowing that someone was killing rats less then 10 feet away. Isn't this how diseases like Bubonic plague, Rabies and Typhoid are transmitted.
Here's the facts about rats. A female rat can have a litter of rats up to seven times a years and every one of those rats from each litter can have their own litter of rats within the same year.

Rats carry diseases such as
Eosinophilic Meningitis
Murine Typhus
Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome (HPS)
Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium
Rat-bite fever (RBF)

Sitting on the top of Mills Creek, literally on top of concrete pillions, at least twice a year the city comes around and clears out the creek where it runs behind Gorham's, forcing the rats to leave their homes while the city renovates. During this time the rats move into the BGA warehouse, through a hole in the Marketing room on the main floor where BGA stores such items as marketing samples for the stores, also baby food that they hand out as gifts to expecting mothers along with other food items that they hand out to the elderly. For those who want the exact location the rats enter the Marketing area just enter the room and go to the far right corner of the room, there you will find a small closest with a very old electric pump in the floor. Don't tell anybody but the rat have a deal with management, management never tries to plug the hole and the rats won't tell the world that BGA's management is part of the same species. Now this has been going on for years and years and the rats have been getting into the building the exact same way for all of those years and years, you would think that someone would stop the rats from coming in the building by closing off their one main entry point or at the very least stop leaving an open grocery store full of food for them to eat when they get there. BGA's solution to the problem is to put down a few sticky traps with some of Mcvities best cookie (because you if Rats love them you will love them to) a trap that doesn't poison the rats or even hurt them it just causes the rat to become stuck, and once their stuck struggle to get off, which drives them crazy and eventually kills him. A nasty way to die for any animal, and when a rats dies and it sits for a couple of days the stink is something you never forget, never.
Don't worry the magot's aren't in your breakfast, THEIR IN YOUR DOGS BREAKFAST. Does the management of BGA care, why yes they do. You see it cost them money everytime you return a bag of dog food because they have to reemburse you for trying to poison your pet. Do they care, why yes they do. BGA cares deeply about money and any lose of that money hurts them very much. Did they care when pets were being killed all over the US and Canada. Yes they did care, they immediately tried to recover their money for the lose of product they had to destroy and at the same time they tried to cover up the fact that they had been storing your pets favorite food in areas where the heat and humidity were so high it would make you loose your lunch. It was only after the petstores on the island started to bring in their own pet food tht BGA decided to move the food to some place cooler. It didnt stop the food from going rotten it just slowed it down. How many pets on the island were killed by eating magot infested pet food. Well I'll tell you what, you eat food with magots in it, don't tell anybody you feel sick and then get your family to tell us if you survived.
Do you really want to buy food from this company.
Candidiasis is a yeast or fungus infection spread by pigeons. The disease affects the skin, the mouth, the respiratory system, the intestines and the urogenital tract, especially the vagina. It is a growing problem for women, causing itching, pain and discharge.
Cryptococcosis is caused by yeast found in the intestinal tract of pigeons and starlings. The illness often begins as a pulmonary disease and may later affect the central nervous system. Since attics, cupolas, ledges, schools, offices, warehouses, mills, barns, park buildings, signs, etc. are typical roosting and nesting sites, the fungus is apt to found in these areas.
St. Louis Encephalitis, an inflammation of the nervous system, usually causes drowsiness, headache and fever. It may even result in paralysis, coma or death. St. Louis encephalitis occurs in all age groups, but is especially fatal to persons over age 60. The disease is spread by mosquitoes which have fed on infected house sparrow, pigeons and house finches carrying the Group B virus responsible for St. Louis encephalitis.
Salmonellosis often occurs as "food poisoning" and can be traced to pigeons, starlings and sparrows. The disease bacteria are found in bird droppings; dust from droppings can be sucked through ventilators and air conditioners, contaminating food and cooking surfaces in restaurants, homes and food processing plants.
E.coli. Cattle carry E. coli 0157:H7. When birds peck on cow manure, the E. coli go right through the birds and the bird droppings can land on or in a food or water supply.Besides being direct carriers of disease, nuisance birds are frequently associated with over 50 kinds of ectoparasites, which can work their way throughout structures to infest and bite humans. About two-thirds of these pests may be detrimental to the general health and well-being of humans and domestic animals. The rest are considered nuisance or incidental pests. A few examples of ectoparasites include:Bed bugs (Cimex lectularius) may consume up to five times their own weight in blood drawn from hosts which include humans and some domestic animals. In any extreme condition, victims may become weak and anemic. Pigeons, starlings and house sparrows are known to carry bed bugs
Chicken mites (Dermanyssus gallinae) are known carriers of encephalitis and may also cause fowl mite dermatitis and acariasis. While they subsist on blood drawn from a variety of birds, they may also attack humans. They have been found on pigeons, starlings and house sparrows.
Yellow mealworms (Tenebrio molitor), perhaps the most common beetle parasites of people in the United States, live in pigeon nests. It is found in grain or grain products, often winding up in breakfast cereals, and may cause intestinal canthariasis and hymenolespiasis.West Nile Virus while West Nile is technically not transmitted to humans from birds, humans can get infected by the bite of a mosquito who has bitten an infected bird. The obvious lesson is that the fewer birds there are in any given area, the better. This translates into a smaller chance of an infected bird in that area, a smaller chance of a mosquito biting an infected bird and then biting a human.
BGA's Neighbors

BGA's warehouse is right next door to a hobby farm with two donkeys and two dogs the size of a small horse that produce what smells like a lot of manure and on any single day there are hundreds of birds hanging around this property, at the end of the day they head back into the BGA warehouse for the night where they eat contents of the warehouse and then drop their waste as they walk and fly around their home. What kinds of diseases are they passing to the pubic and where is the Health Department?
Every month on the first Tuesday on the month BGA has pest control fog the entire warehouse with a chemical poison that is suppose to kill the bugs but not effect the people and every month the workers in the warehouse and in the office area complain of feeling sick and that they have severe headaches for weeks after the warehouse is fogged. If this chemical is causing this kind of effects on the staff of BGA who work in an open area all day with the doors wide open at both ends of the building can you imagine what this poison is doing to your family when you take it home from the store, I know BGA doesn't wash anything before it leaves the warehouse and I doubt BGA has told any of the stores on the island the all of their products are covered with a deadly insecticide that could kill you if your sensitive enough. Have you noticed family members getting headaches or getting sick for no reason. This could be the reason, everything sold by BGA is covered with this poison. You may not see it but its there, anybody with asthma should be washing any item purchased from BGA.
Next who owns the BGA warehouse
This building is owned by Marketplace and is in a major state of disrepair. The roof has more holes in it then dirt. The electrical is pre-world war II and in all most every case the power receptacles are not grounded. None of the circuit breaker panel are marked with descriptions of what device is connected to what breaker. And there isn't an electrician in Bermuda that would touch the existing wiring with a fifty foot grounded pole. There are hundreds of wires hanging from the walls that nobody knows if they are active or not, best guest some are, some are not .
Most if not all of the support beams over the loading bay doors on the north side of the building are completely rusted away and are no longer structurally supporting that side of the building. My guess as to why the north east corner of the building has not fallen up to this point is because all of the loading doors on that side of the building are rusted shut and they are holding up the rusted out support beams. (just a guess) Every air vent in the building has some level of rust with big holes the size of a baseball every couple of inches. This has become the main entrance for the birds at night and on the weekends. You can watch them enter the building throw these vents like an airplane landing on a run way. The vents almost look like they were made to let the birds in. Like a giant bird feeder. There sure isnt anything stopping the birds from coming in the building. This place is wide open for any bug or animal that wants to enter.
The Birds
The BGA warehouse is infested with Birds, hundreds of sparrows, and these birds are eating the merchandise and then depositing the waste on every box and bin in the building. All of them were born and raised in the BGA warehouse and they are not afraid of people, machines and yes even the upper management. These little disease passing machines are the cause of all of the maggot infestation of the Dog food on the Island. The following are a few fatal diseases humans can get from exposure to sparrow droppings. There are over 30 people picking in the warehouse, touching and breathing in what the birds drop every day and BGA provide no protection from these little poop machines. Every vent shown in thee pictures is an entrance and escape route for the birds.

The Roof
There are several very large plastic rain barrels on top of the main freezer used to collect water every time it rains, there are a lot of them and they protect the food in the candy cage from being rained on. every time it rains someone from the warehouse has to climb up on top of the freezer and bring down the buckets and empty them. That person has to climb through years of bird feces, died birds, rat feces, died rats, bugs, died bugs, abandon furniture, garbage, dust, dirt, cables. And if that person doesn't show up for work on a day when it rain there's a good chance the freezer will get flooded. This picture clearly shows a large amount of water on the carpet that has been leaked from the roof.
The Freezer
The freezer is environmentally obsolete still using Freon and an under sized compressor if this company was using this equipment in north America they would have been shutdown in the 90's for polluting the environment. Just another example of how Bermuda law has controlled this major contaminator. In Canada and in the US these types of polluters to the environment were shutdown in the early 1990's with the ban on Freon gas into the environment.Third floor - Health and BeautyThis floor is the highest point in the building, added on as an after thought, its constructed of plywood and is slowly being deconstructed by termites who are eating the entire floor and leaving their waste in the form what looks like saw dust but is actually fecal pellets at the base of the wall. The first floor to get rained on the ceiling tiles are black with mole and the carpet stained from always being wet. Their are people that work on this floor that have serious health problems that could be related to the conditions but management doesn't seem to care as that would cost money to fix. The area always smells like mold, its always damp and cold with the air-conditioning.little known fact about termites, the queen can lay up to 86000 eggs a dayThe ceiling tiles on the third floor and for most of the building are water stained because of the damage caused by the roof leaking. There are other more severe areas where the tiles are partly covered with black mold, a form a mold that can be deadly. Customer Service on the main floor comes mind and almost every person in that area has some medical problem possibly related to the working conditions.Did I mention the place is infested with some kind of smart super cockroach that seems to be immune to the bug sprays that pest control keeps trying to kill them with. There is also a bug that looks like a moth but pest control doesn't know what it is and their deadliest bug spray has been less than 100% effective against killing it but they keep pumping it into the building in an effort to get rid of it. The Cockroach's are so smart that they will actually come out, look around and watch what you are doing while you work. Their not afraid of anything or anybody and they are not dumb.

The Air-conditioning
There are three air-conditioning power plants working in the BGA office area and all of them are breaking down due to age and a complete lack of maintenance over the years but that isn't the worse part. The ventilation system used to carry the cold air around the building has almost as many holes in it as the roof and is the living quarters for hundreds of birds. For those who care about the environment that means that BGA and MarketPlace are spending more money to cool the roof of the building then they are the office area. The only good thing about that is the ventilation ducts in the building are so full of dust, mold, bugs as well as bird dropping that if anybody did fix the vents and the air-conditioners they would probably kill everybody in the building by cutting off their ability to breathe. Also these airconditioners are still running with freon, a substains that has been band world wide of over 10 years. Freon is known to damage the ozone layer and is no longer manufactered in Europe or in North America.
The Warehouse floor
During the summer time the warehouse floor turns into a skating rink and for most worker this slime work environment where you can fall on your head at any second is to much to take. The fork lifts slide around on the wet floor and when the humidity gets high the place is like a swamp. This place is the perfect breeding ground for bacteria and every day your daily food gets stacked on it.
Their are people working for BGA with Asthma, COPD and possibly emphysema, all respiratory problems related to exposure to mold, dust mites, insecticide poisoning, rat fecal contamination, and the possible spread of multiple diseases by the constant exposure to bird feces, as well as the bugs that live on birds. On top of all of these problems for the staff at BGA, every one of these problem can also be an exposure to the general public because none of these problems have ever been addressed by the Bermuda health department nor has anybody at Bermuda Pest Control advised BGA on the potential health problems of sending contaminated products out to the stores with out first cleaning them off. Does the management of BGA care about the health problems of their own people. No. Management has repeatedly been asked to do something about the mold and to replace the tiles that are covered in mold but these requests continue to go unheard even when employees in those areas have turned up with cancer and COPD management still refuses to fix the problems and ignores how ill the people are getting.
Is Bermuda safe from BGA, Good question.
Are there no health regulations in Bermuda, how does a company that sells food productions to almost every person in the country get away with this many health violations without anybody doing something about it.
If this company was allowed to have a business license in a country such as the United States or England, the number of fines this company would receive for health and safety violations would put them out of business in a week. This place is making their employee's sick and I have no doubt that they are causing a lot of other people to be sick on this island.
Now your probably asking why does the management of BGA or the Bermuda Government do something about this place. Good Questions.
Has anybody ever seen a representative from the Bermuda Government come out to BGA and do an inspection..........Anybody.................ever?
If you have send a note let us know when and by which department.
I know that BGA sells food, cookie, candy, chips, drinks millions of dollars worth every year, you would think that if you sold anything with a food stamp on it that a food inspector would come out and inspect whether the facilities are clean and safe. Nobody I know has ever seen an inspector and if there has been an inspection in the last ten years the guy must be walking around with no sense of smell, completely blind with a total loss of hearing to miss how bad BGA's warehouse is.Ask yourself when you buy a drink from the local bar, did they wash the can before they opened it and mixed it with your favorite alcohol chances are they didn't and you got the full treatment from BGA's on going pest control. 365 Days of poison pellets for the rats and poison for the birds and bugs and you get it all for free. If your buying bottles of water I wouldn’t drink it from the bottles.The only inspection done at BGA I have heard of is the fire extinguisher's and I must admit they are all up to date. unfortunately there isn't one person in the entire building that knows how to use them or which one to use. BGA has a number of fire extinguisher's large and small, liquid chemical and dry chemical when their office staff were asked which one they would use to put out and electrical fire, nobody got it right. When the same question was asked of the warehouse staff they first of all didn't know where the extinguisher's were but they also didn't know there was a difference. The main power feed for the building is in the warehouse and supplies power for the lights, forklifts, freezer, computers, everything electrical. All of the fire extinguisher's in the BGA warehouse are liquid chemical based extinguisher's which means if someone tried to put out a fire that happened to start at the main electrical feed into the building or at any of the electrical breaker boxes or at the main electrical feed for a transformer to one of the forklifts, BGA would be picking pieces of that person out of the wall and the hospital would be trying to figure out how to treat someone with severe electrical burns if they lived.
The day the roof caved in
Did you know BGA's front entrance leading up the stairs to the second floor caved in during a rain storm. The entire ceiling dropped and if anybody had been under it they would have been killed. Was the problem leak fixed? of course not BGA doesn't own the building Marketplace does, the same kind of patch work was done to fix but hey the old material must have been up their for over ten year and they timed it right, it waited until the weekend to fail. Maybe the next time this happens it will also wait until the weekend. If you have ever gone up the stairs to the second floor you may have noticed a big piece of drywall ripped out of the wall that was from the ceiling failing and Marketplace wont pay to fix it so that piece of drywall covers the hole.
Their have been several occasions when the metal retractable doors on the loading docks have completely fallen off the wall, if someone had been under it they would have been killed. The only way to install a new door was to us a forklift to drag it into the warehouse and then lift it into position. The doors weight thousands of pounds.
Lead Batteries
BGA uses forklifts to move their products around the warehouse there is nothing knew about that all companies like BGA do that what is unusual is that BGA is running equipment that is over 30 years old and is polluting the surrounding environment. Almost every one of these old pieces of junk is leaking some think, if it isn’t oil its fluid from the batteries. If you go out by BGA's garbage bins you will find old forklift batteries decaying in the sun leaking battery acid and lead in the ground around it. And these batteries are not small some of them are close to a ton in weight. Does Bermuda know this kind of toxic waste is growing in the middle of their island.
One of these days someone is going to have a fatal accident in this warehouse, its going to be the management fault because they ignored the warnings and its going to be the Bermuda governments fault because they didn’t close this death trap down. I have seen condemned building in better shape then this warehouse and one of these days a customer is going to walk though the loading dock doors and the whole thing is going to fall on his head and it wont be an accident it will be negligence’s.
BGA's Pharmacy Warewhouse

The picture shown here shows a ramp going to the second floor, inside is the BGA magazines distribution area and on the other side of the parking lot is the Pharmacy warehouse. Once inside you will notice that there is no security what so ever. There is a video camera on the wall no is not being recorded or monitored. This place houses some of the most dangerous drugs on the island as BGA supplys to every Pharmacy and Hospital on the island.
I know what your saying, you have to put it some where and your right, but do you have to leave the door wide open.
Do you have to leave the trucks unattended.
How easy would it be to rip this place? Well its been done. Several times in fact.
There are no alarms, not even a manual panic alarm.
No security, There were video cameras installed but the CEO Mr. John Tomlinson had them removed, he didnt want anybody watching or recording the activities of the company.
The employee's are always proping open the doors to go out for a smoke something BGA does not discourage nor do they consider it a security violation.
So to the residence of Bermuda lets make these people welcome, walk over to Bakerylane location and walk down to where you see Rayclan and across the lane to the Redlaser computer store, keep walking until you see Signworkx and then walk up that ramp and ring that door bell and say hello or just walk right in, the doors are usually open pumping fresh air-conditioned air out in to the parking lot.
Maybe they will invite you in for some good old BGA coffee.
And to all the drug dealers on the island, dont worry about the possiblity of getting caught, this place has already been ripped of in the past, the owners have there own agenda and catching one of their own isnt part of that agenda. BGA has been ripped off for thousands upon thousands of dollars worth of drugs. The police were never called. The security was never updated or improved and the governement ministry in charge of BGA license to operate on the island was never informed. I know this island is a little backward and yes the governement and its law enforcement agents are extremely corrupt but I wonder if the governments that allow BGA to purchase drugs from their counties know that BGA stores drugs link morphine in a place that is less secure than your house. At least for most people that come to Bermuda they learn really quickly to shut the doors or you will be robbed. Apparently the management at BGA has achieved that level of brightness.
Look at the working conditions! Third world countries have similar conditions.
All of these pictures are real and have been taken from within the company buildings.

These pictures were taken over a year ago and its still the same, actually its worse.
To the workers at BGA, click on this line, it will take you to a place where you will be instructed on how to send a sample of the mold to the US for testing. I know the management said they had the air tested for toxins, they lied. The air in the BGA warehouse is causing people to get fatal diseases. If your having breathing problems consult your Doctor and if possible ware a mask. Black mold can be fatal, it is toxic to all humans. This building is full of black mold.
You have all seen black mold in condemned building in the US. This is the same black mold and people are breathing it everyday!!
The black stain on this ceiling tile is mold and it is coming directly out of the ventilation system. For the people with asthma it can kill. Their are people working in the warehouse area today that are suffering from COPD a lung dease that has been proven to be caused by the direct exposure to black mold. The management of BGA is trapping people in small office areas with direct exposure to this black mold. They know about it and they don't care that they are responsible for slowly killing their employee's.Notice how the mold is all over the tile and is being blown out of the vent into the air. This picture is from the Mills Creek Warehouse, third floor althought every tile in the building is in a similar state. Several people work in this environment are constantly getting very sick. What is interesting is that the Pharmacy department was moved to another building because of the horrific working conditions and because of the damage being caused by water leakage causing the building conditions.
Naturally the people working in this area are non management Bermudians. As with all of their warehouse counter parts in the Mills creek warehouse they have no value, so safety conditions are not only non-existent but the company goes out of its way to demonstrate its contempt for their employee's. The Bermuda prison has better health conditions than at the BGA warehouse and believe it or not the prison is inspected by government officials for health violation. Apparently the BGA employee's dont deserve the same consideration.
I have seen relatively healthy people get sicker and sicker from working in the Mill's Creek warehouse and the management is only concerned when it affects the bottom line.

Look at how the black mold craws along the wall, if this was in any home in the US the UK or Canada they would be evacuating the people and condemning the building. This mold is a killer anywhere and everywhere in the world, the question has always been this, why aren't any of the Bermuda government agencies doing something to protect the workers at BGA and why are they allowing this exposure out into the general public.

More stains means more water leaking into the ceiling area. Replace one tile it just come back. What kind of company makes their employees work under these conditions. Who did these repairs a three year old. Is that an electrical cable coming out from where the water stains are, is it live?
Every tile in the building is like this.
The tiles are left open and notice how the mold is all over the tile and is being blown out of the vent in the the air.
There have been people who work for this company in the warehouse area that have gotten very sick and died. One day their fine the next day their rushed to the hospital and they just die. No explanation given, but people just dont get sick and die that fast without a reason.
The black stuff moving out from the center is what people are breathing!!
Now that black stuff is mold and it is coming out of the ventilation system and for people with asthma it can and will kill them. If you go into the main lobby of BGA's office area you will find that the air conditioning unit above the receptionist have been turned off. The reason is because that unit has broken down because of age and neglect and the unit started to dump contaminated water all over the receptionist area. The result was the receptionist was very ill for several weeks and the managements solution to the problem. Get a new receptionist while the old one was off sick. Nothing was done to fix the problem. The unit was eventually shutdown and blocked but nothing was down to fix the unit or clean up the contamination. The whole area is sitting under the worse black mold in the building.
Look at the conditions people have to work under....
Just look at the mold and the stains no wonder people are always getting sick. Is this from the rain or from the ventlation system, or the rats?
If the Government doesnt shut this place down, then they are as criminally responsible as the management of this company.
Rebecca Middleton! Rebecca Middleton was a young innocent Canadian tourist who came to Bermuda for a vacation. What she got was raped and murdered by a citizen of Bermuda. With the help of the Bermuda Policed department and the Bermuda Supreme Court that citizen was allowed to commit MURDER with absolutely no penalty. If Bermuda allows their citizens to rape and murder tourists with complete impunity you can then understand why they allow their business community to commit any criminal acts against anybody at any time.
Labels: asbestos, birds, disease, goverment corruption, health risk, infestation, maggots, rats, working in bermuda